Saturday, June 2, 2007

What the Hell is a Steering Damper?

I've come across the term "steering damper" in several forums lately. What the hell do these things do? How do they attach the bike?

According to a site that sells them:

GPR steering stabilizers will help you ride faster and safer because they minimize and manage your bike’s tendency to develop headshake at elevated speeds, especially on bumpy roads and in the heat of race battle. Multi-adjustable GPR dampers significantly reduce rider fatigue and dreaded arm pump that comes with the demands of high-performance sportbiking and racing. If you’d like to ride faster, safer and stronger and be able to put in more laps or miles on any given day, then GPR has a solution for you.

GPR Dampers

Should I get one for my bike?

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Why Plastic Rocket?

According to my own encyclopedia definition of plastic rocket:

Plastic Rocket: A sport bike motorcycle, also known as a crotch rocket, which has several plastic fairings.